WHAT IS LAST CLOUDIA? A fantasy RPG that weaves a sprawling tale with quirky characters and cinematic effects. Its gorgeous, fast-paced battles feature pixel art characters sweeping though 3D playspaces. Download now! CINEMATIC EFFECTS AND SWEEPING SOUNDTRACK A riveting tale told with pixel-art characters and 3D backgrounds, brought to life with lovingly crafted music and animation! WHITE-KNUCKLE COMBAT ACTION Heart-pounding real-time combat at a speed that's only possible with pixel art! DEEP CHARACTER-BUILDING SYSTEM Go beyond collecting strong characters—train your favorite characters to have the stats you want! It's all up to you! HANDS-FREE AUTOPLAY No need to grind manually—just gear up your team and send them out to collect power-up materials! STAR-STUDDED CAST OF VOICE ACTORS Famous Japanese voice actors provide dynamic voices for characters in battle, when powering up, on the Home screen, and more! STORY Welcome to Granzelia, where people live among magical beasts. Long ago this world was tyrannically ruled by the God of Ruin, until the hero Adel and...